Customer program
The client program is a gaming client that is a program for tracking, collecting and subsequently transmitting flight data to a re-source database. Through this program, company pilots will register their flights. The program not only collects flight data, but also tracks some vi-olations of civil flight rules. Based on these data, the resource automati-cally calculates flight information, penalties for violations, ratings of the pilot and the company, aircraft wear and many other parameters of the company. |
Download version v. - MFSClientSetup(v. |
For the correct operation of the program on your computer must be installed: - FSUIPC 3.999z9 or higher for the simulator FS9 - FSUIPC4 4.955 or higher for the simulator FSX , Prepar3D Versions up to 3.3 - XPUIPC or higher for the simulator X-Plane 9 , X-Plane 10 , X-Plane 11 - Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 |
Detailed information on the installation and application of the client program can be downloaded here. - MFSClientInformation.doc |
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