
Flight № - 1304596 (Regular flight)

The data of the pilot, the company, the flight:
Pilot: Александр Бушманов
President (PRE) - President (PRE)
ID: 2353
Funds in the account: 2.170.457 S
Rating: 1104.45

Identifier pilot: AXM1

Company: AirAsia
ID: 10936
Funds in the account: 772.106.886 S
Rating (PAX): 868.49
Rating (CARGO): 0
Rating (ON-LINE): 0
Danyh about the aircraft:
Type of aircraft: Airbus A320neo

Board number: HS-BBX

Percentage of loss of technical condition: Runway strip: 0.16% - building: Runway concrete, improve level 1
Taxiway: 0.08% - building: TAXIWAY concrete, improve level 1
Vertical: 0.13%
Total: 0.37%
Flight details:
№ flight: AXM513

Date: 28/10/2022 19:42:31

Departure airport: Noi Bai - VVNB

Airport of destination: Kuala Lumpur - WMKK

Arrival airport: Kuala Lumpur - WMKK

Flight distance: 1.262 nM

Total flight time: 03:49:25

Flight time separation / touch: 03:06:52

Used acceleration: x1

VIP: 1 by price: 1.696 S
1st class: 1 by price: 1.130 S
Business Class: 4 by price: 847 S
Economy Class: 164 by price: 565 S

Baggage: 2.138 kg - by price: 0 S
Vertical when planting: -204 fpm

Ratings by vertical: pilot: 0
company: 0

Damage with a vertical: -0.13 %
Fuel data:
Initially in the tanks: 3.515 kg

Filled: 6.484 kg

Total before take-off: 9.999 kg

Arrival balance: 3.367 kg

Total expended: 6.632 kg
Data on violations:
Crash: flight rating : 0%
pilot rating: -10
rating of the company: -10%

Total: flight: 0%
pilot: -10
company: -10

Parking brake: flight rating : -3%
pilot rating: -0.3
fine: S

Taxiing speed: flight rating : -3%
pilot rating: -0.3
fine: S

Speed before and / or after 10.000 feet: flight rating : -5%
pilot rating: -0.5
fine: S

Navigation lights: flight rating : -1%
pilot rating: -0.1
fine: S

Take-off and landing before take-off: flight rating : -2%
pilot rating: -0.2
fine: S

Takeoff and landing after planting: flight rating : -2%
pilot rating: -0.2
fine: S

Take-off and landing before and / or after 1.000 feet: flight rating : -2%
pilot rating: -0.2
fine: S

Take-off after 10.000 feet : flight rating : -2%
pilot rating: -0.2
fine: S

Airport of destination: flight rating : -4%
pilot rating: -0.4
fine: S

Exceeding the maximum speed: flight rating : -1%
pilot rating: -0.1
fine: S

Stalling: flight rating : -10%
pilot rating: -1
fine: S

Exceeding acceleration: flight rating : -5%
pilot rating: -0.5
fine: S

Vertical touch: flight rating : %
pilot rating: -
rating of the company:

Total: flight rating : 100%
pilot rating: 3
the pilot is fined: 0 S
the company is fined: 0 S

rating of the company: 1.5 rating of the company: +1.5
time bonus: +5.03
all in company: +6.53
There are no violations: flight rating : 100%
pilot rating: +3

rating of the company: 1.5
on-line rating:
time bonus: +5.03
all in company: +6.53
Financial data:
Loss of cargo: -0 S

Compensation: -170.000 S

Elimination of consequences: -50.000 S

Total: -220.000 S

Aircraft Airbus A320neo with onboard number HS-BBX decommissioned

Ticket selling: +98.874 S

Baggage allowance: +26.982 S

Salary of the crew: -2.524 S

Pilot Income: salary: 12.333 S
time bonus: 4.933 S
acceleration bonus : 17.267 S
fine: 0 S

Income of the company: purchase of fuel: 14.654 S; at a price of 1 kg: 2.27 S
partner payment (5%): -0
fine: 0 S
total revenue: 96.344 S
acceleration bonus : 48.172 S
factor: x15
income with a factor: 2.167.749 S
income from on-line flight: 0 S
Total (per company): 2.167.749 S
Total (to the pilot): 34.533 S

Inventory statistics

Pilots : 19531
Companies : 476
Reserved : 13
In flight : 29
Total flights : 749416
Online : 2

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