A country: |
Switzerland |
Date of creation: |
19-04-2012 |
Airport: |
Zurich Intl - LSZH |
WEB-page of the company: |
No web page |
Balance: |
637.390.256 S |
Reputation (PAX): |
5132.46 |
Reputation (CARGO): |
240.37 |
Reputation (VIP): |
37.094 |
Reputation (ON-LINE): |
0 |
Title (% of company revenue) |
The percentage of the pilot's income in the rank of Trainee : 5%
Практикант (TRAINEE) : 0% |
Генеральный директор (CEO) : 1% |
Директор по логистике (LD) : 1% |
Технический директор (TD) : 1% |
Бенефициар (основатель компании) (ОТС) : 3% |
Линейный пилот (LP) : 5% |