Title (% of company revenue) |
The percentage of the pilot's income in the rank of Trainee : 0%
Founder and President (FaP) : 1% |
Basic Flight Student [5 hours of a flight] (BFS) : 2% |
Flight Student [15 hr of a flight] (FS) : 4% |
AFS [25 hr of a flight] (AFS) : 6% |
Private Pilot [40 hr of a flight] (PP) : 8% |
Senior Private Pilot [100 hr of a flight] (SPP) : 10% |
Commercial Pilot [250 hr of a flight] (CP) : 12% |
ATP [500 hr of a flight] (ATP) : 14% |
First officer 3rd class [Rating 750] (FO3) : 16% |
First officer 2nd class [Rating 850] (FO2) : 18% |
First officer 1st class [Rating 950] (FO1) : 20% |
Captain 3rd class [Rating 1050] (CAP3) : 22% |
Captain 2nd class [Rating 1150] (CAP2) : 24% |
Captain 1st class [Rating 1250] (CAP1) : 26% |
Senior Flight Instructor [Rating 1350] (SFI) : 28% |
Chief Flight Instructor [Rating 1450] (CFI) : 30% |