Title (% of company revenue) |
The percentage of the pilot's income in the rank of Trainee : 5%
Патриот авиакомпании BMA (PBMA) : 0% |
Командир воздушного судна (КВС) : 0% |
Student Pilot -50 часов ((SP)) : 5% |
Private Pilot- 150 часов ((PP)) : 6% |
Instrument Rating Pilot- 250 часов ((IRP)) : 7% |
Commercial Pilot- 500 часов ((CP)) : 8% |
First Officer- 700 часов ((FO)) : 11% |
Captain- 900 часов ((C)) : 12% |
Fleet Captain- 1100 часов ((FC)) : 13% |
Command Fleet Captain- 1250 часов ((CFC)) : 14% |
Route manager- 1400 часов ((RM)) : 15% |
Fleet Captain- 1500 часов ((FCB)) : 16% |
Vice Chief Executive Officer. Flight director ((VCEOFD)) : 17% |
Chief Executive Officer ((CEO)) : 18% |